The new standard of facial mask puts forward new requirements for talcum powder


China has adopted a new industrial standard for the facial mask industry from Oct 1.The new guidelines, which are seen by professionals as more detailed and rigorous, set strict requirements for the use and carrier of fluorescent brighteners and talcum powder.

The latest industry standard QB/T 2872-2017 will be officially implemented from October 1 this year.This also announced that the implementation of the mask industry standard QB/T 2872-2007 for ten years was officially "retired".

In terms of the use of talcum powder, the new line standard has also made rigid requirements.The engineer said: because talcum powder raw material will be accompanied by asbestos, which is internationally recognized as a carcinogen.In China's "requirements for raw materials of talcum powder used in cosmetics", it is clearly stipulated that the products containing talcum powder should not be detected in the presence of asbestos."Technical Specification for Cosmetic Safety" also lists "asbestos" as a banned cosmetic raw material.

The new standard stipulates that  talcum powder used in the facial mask should meet the national management requirements for talcum powder raw materials for cosmetics.The new label's requirement for talcum powder is significant for facial mask brands.Since last year, we have changed the formula from talcum powder to plant extract."Huang Xiaodong, founder of Mask Family, who has been engaged in the field of facial masks for more than 10 years, stressed that "in general, the promotion of the new line also represents the national recognition of this category, making the operation of facial mask brands more standardized."

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